Title VI Complaint Form
If you need assistance in another language, please call 888-364-2787.
Any person who believes may have been discriminated against on the basis of race, color, or national
origin by Anaheim Transportation Network (ATN) may file a Title VI complaint by completing and
submitting ATN’s Title VI Complaint Form. ATN investigates complaints received no more than 180 days
after the alleged incident. ATN will process complaints that are complete. Learn more about the Title VO Complaint Procedure by clicking here.
Reasonable Accommodation
In cases where the complainant is unable or incapable of providing a written statement but wishes the
ATN or the FTA to investigate alleged discrimination, a verbal complaint of discrimination may be made.
The complainant will be interviewed by an appropriate official authorized to receive complaints. If
necessary, the official will assist the complainant in converting verbal complaints to writing. Translation
services will be provided to all complainants, as necessary. All complaints must, however, be signed by
the complainants or his/her representative.