Will Serve Request Form

Upon receipt of necessary information, the Will Serve Letter will be processed. A Will Serve Letter will typically include the following general information:

  • Whether or not ATN provides transportation service to/from project
  • Whether or not existing bus stops can be used for the project
  • Any other pertinent requirements specific to the proposed project and/or project area

Please allow 5 – 10 business days for processing of typical Will Serve requests. In accordance with ATN policies, the scope, nature, and location of the project may require additional participation fees. The Will Serve Letter does not guarantee service, only that ATN could serve provide service.

Street Address
e.g. Name, CUP#, Case #
e.g. proposed # of hotel rooms, commercial square footage, proposed use, # of parking space, event center square footage, etc.
Max. file size: 50 MB.